Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) review

Sha8doW's picture

I’m looking for internal TeamIPX and regular visitors opinions on this game?
After all the drama, time, hype, controversy and anticipation, and what, like 10 years? (and a $80. Odd price tag)
It’s out!
Does any have it? What are your thoughts? Is it with it? I mean all of the above?

Personally the release seems a little lack luster and I’m not hearing much about it!

So come on, I know people preordered, I know people were waitin on it!

  • how is it?*


n0mad's picture

I Stick by my Dem0 Review

After reading 0nline reviews 0f the full game
I stick by my Dem0 Review


Im enjoying it, but the

Im enjoying it, but the further along in the game I get… the more I feel like they dug up a relic from another company, dusted it off and finished off the crappy storyline written by bunch of monkeys in a basement. I bought it, so I will play it, but I really feel that if they squeal this one… for gods sake, get a decent story/concept team BEFORE you start the game.

Fuzz's picture


How about the multiplayer? That’s all I really care about. From the video I’ve seen online it looks ok, fun, but not worth $80.

Will give it a try in the

Will give it a try in the next couple of days and let you know.

Sha8doW's picture


Thang d2a

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