Logitech G930 - Right or Left Balance / Audio Only & Distortion

Sha8doW's picture

So a number of us have Logitech G930s
And we all seem to have the same problem… when you install the Drivers, the sound goes crappy with mumble sounding unbalanced. And dont start me on the 7.1
I was looking for a solution because currently, even when i uninstall the driver, the damn thing reinstalls them on the next restart… anyway RANT over… I’ve found a solution which after a heap of googling, i have shamelessly stolen from another site ;P


1) Right-click the speaker in the sys-tray (Lower right, by the clock)
2) Click “Playback devices”
3) Highlight the G930
4) Click “Configure”
5) Click next (for me all I could pick was 7.1)
6) Uncheck “Side pair” & “Rear pair”
7) Click Next
8) Make sure that “Front left and right” is only checked
9) Click next, click finish
10) With the G930 still highlighted, click “Properties”
11) Go to the “Enhancements” tab
12) Make sure “Channel Phantoming” is checked.
13) If it is already checked, uncheck and recheck it, then click apply.

This should fix the audio in the one ear only and distortion, It did for me!


Robag's picture

well from

memory i thing i uninstalled the Logitech driver and re-ran my mumble audio wizard

you can also uninstall the driver from your control panel/devices


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