Converting to degrees, you would have to be holding the gun a horizontal polar rotation of 26.5 degrees leftwards in relation to the x axis, and vertical polar rotation 14 degrees upwards in relation to the x axis(plus or minus a few decimal points).
Of course this is using standard coordinates, but games usually run the y axis from top-to-bottom, rather than bottom-to-top, so you might have to hold the gun 26.5 degrees to the right, not the left.
Submitted by silentshadow on Fri, 23/10/2009 - 17:11.
only expected 1 comment wow o the anwser(?????) is
w=0.282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051maybe a bit urther
Shads response to the question would have been… and still is:
(9w+11)(3w+2) = (9w+11)(3w+2)…
Qualification – Its simply a line of numbers symbols and brackets designed by a self important school teacher in their vein attempt to torment school goers, break down their selfesteem into a life of submission rather then enabling orignal thought!
Suppose Mr/Miss teacher… successful, intelegent. Were you ever asked (9w+11)(3w+2)? probably not, and you turned out alright… So i ask you… what is (9w+11)(3w+2)?
but i dont think its fair that you also have a sperate piece of paper with the answers.
um 27w+18w+33w+22 78w+22
De-Factorise both sides :D
is kippa right
is kippa right
silent how are you on a
silent how are you on a computer
oh english ??
hows the school surviving with out me
it could be
*edit it is :P
i thought u multi ply
i thought u multi ply
playing with you silent i hate maths unless its trig :D
Okay, you have a gamer at position x 5 y 2 z 1
You have a gun at x 8 y 4 z 2
What in-world angle would the gun be aiming to get a shot directly at the gamers position :)
Please include vertical and horizontal rotation in degrees.
:P \o/
Real world maths people i want to make games :)
lol im pretty sure im right u
lol im pretty sure im right u dont have maths till last dont you
omg u left
if you want to get tricky
what angle in degrees, horizontal and vertical, would the gamer have to look to look directly at the gun ;P
(this is actually awesome trig practice btw)
um not sure
um not sure
Back in my day we had Exercise books for our maths homework.
i thought u woulda had a stone slate with a hammer and chisel.
You’d know, we’re the same age :)
It's called trigonometry people....
In 2d (ignoring z axis)
tan((4-2)/(8-4)) = theta
theta = 0.463647 Radians
In 2d (ignoring y axis)
tan((2-1)/(8-4)) = theta
theta = 0.2444978
Converting to degrees, you would have to be holding the gun a horizontal polar rotation of 26.5 degrees leftwards in relation to the x axis, and vertical polar rotation 14 degrees upwards in relation to the x axis(plus or minus a few decimal points).
Of course this is using standard coordinates, but games usually run the y axis from top-to-bottom, rather than bottom-to-top, so you might have to hold the gun 26.5 degrees to the right, not the left.
only expected 1 comment wow o the anwser(?????) is
w=0.282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051282051maybe a bit urther
thanks mate, i cannabalised a script from morrowind once that was pretty much that algorithm :)
Mathematics is an illusion. >=p
shads response
Shads response to the question would have been… and still is:
(9w+11)(3w+2) = (9w+11)(3w+2)…
Qualification – Its simply a line of numbers symbols and brackets designed by a self important school teacher in their vein attempt to torment school goers, break down their selfesteem into a life of submission rather then enabling orignal thought!
Suppose Mr/Miss teacher… successful, intelegent. Were you ever asked (9w+11)(3w+2)? probably not, and you turned out alright… So i ask you… what is (9w+11)(3w+2)?
but i dont think its fair that you also have a sperate piece of paper with the answers.
Binary 4 the Win
I w0uld just present this bel0w with a wh0le heap 0f scribbled numbers and cr0ssed 0ut numbers
00101000 00111001 01110111 00101011 00110001 00110001 00101001 00101000 00110011 01110111 00101011 00110010 00101001
Apparently we’re not the same age after all, I’m 6 years your seniour :)
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