Who has the Fabulous game of "Minecraft"

Tripsicle98's picture

Hey Guys

Could you guys please comment below if you have minecraft ?

I have a idea for a new competition more in the break

So what i was thinking about doing is having a PVP minecraft comp . Over the past month there have been heaps of new minecraft maps come out, There are several different game modes available for Vanilla and tekkit alike.. These include

Capture the Flag
Base Penetration
Faction Wars
and Behind Enemy lines

Capture the Data
Set the Bomb
And Falling walls

Its just a suggestion, From what i have seen in videos it could be a lot of fun , And as you know i have a minecraft server that can handle practically anything so we could just upload the maps to there.

Thanks for your time



immrbob's picture

i do

also binary, coolderaj and fishey do, so if we do one of these above ill tell them and they will probably join

Tripsicle98's picture

Sweet As

I know there is a couple of more so we will need to get them aswell

Sha8doW's picture


I do!

Tripsicle98's picture

Oh good

Would you lot be keen to give this a try ?



ltmon's picture

I own it, not installed or played in a long while

I’m not up for any game that requires a lot of time committed — I’m just too busy at the moment and even this short “week off” I’m taking for ET:QW is stretching me :)

But if it’s something casual I can drop in an out of, I’ll certainly give it a go.

im up for it

its be awesome

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