s0 did U end up getting a C0py 0f the Game (or) did any0ne else 0n the night ?
s0 envi0us but we trust U represented IPX all the way……
Yer I’m up 4 Friday nights as s00n as I get my hands 0n it……
Current State of Release on PC
Steam – Download as of 26/10/09
All stores – Will be dispatch 30/11/09 with an eta to the stores 0f 1-2 days….
So It looks like Steam Players will get there hands 0n it first…..
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Current State 0f Release...
s0 did U end up getting a C0py 0f the Game (or) did any0ne else 0n the night ?
s0 envi0us but we trust U represented IPX all the way……
Yer I’m up 4 Friday nights as s00n as I get my hands 0n it……
Current State of Release on PC
Steam – Download as of 26/10/09
All stores – Will be dispatch 30/11/09 with an eta to the stores 0f 1-2 days….
So It looks like Steam Players will get there hands 0n it first…..