Great newZ Hashy, L00k f0rward to playing L4D with you s00n….
I’d rec0mmend AquaMark3 f0r Benchmarking as it is real w0rld results n0ne 0f this Tweaked results such as 3DMark fail ……
Virtual Mark is a great 0ne f0r 3D perf0rmance c0mpared t0 0ther similar systems.
0hh and my list 0f Benchmarks Progs reads; Super PI SiSoftware Sandra PCMark Vantage wPrime PIFast
L4D s00n Hashy………….
n0mad 2()1()
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Bench Me
Great newZ Hashy, L00k f0rward to playing L4D with you s00n….
I’d rec0mmend AquaMark3 f0r Benchmarking as it is real w0rld results
n0ne 0f this Tweaked results such as 3DMark fail ……
Virtual Mark is a great 0ne f0r 3D perf0rmance c0mpared t0 0ther similar systems.
0hh and my list 0f Benchmarks Progs reads;
Super PI
SiSoftware Sandra
PCMark Vantage
L4D s00n Hashy………….