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y0u and me n0mad, will settle this like men.. Padman style!! xD

Was a fun game last night. Frusterating 0fc0uirse, but fun =p

m0re padman, and I really want everyb0dy t0 give Tribes 2 a g0… I was able t0 finally get back 0nt0 it the 0ther week, s0metimes the TribesNEXT servers are d0wn and you can’t register, but if everyb0dy can get signed up with it ( and h0pefully it will run in Wine..), we sh0uld really give it a g00d st0uche. The game takes getting used t0. It sh0ws it’s age, and y0u can feel its age t00. But it is a game that is near and dear t0 my heart.
s0mething that many gamers at the time might have 0verl00ked, because 0f the difficulty, and I think the amount of teamw0rk that was required. In th0se days, I think m0st 0f us just wanted t0 run ar0und FPS style and kill each 0ther in deathmatch, but recent years theres been that resurgence 0f team play games, ie Quake Wars, s0 I think that it c0uld be s0rta back in fashi0n. I will bring up all the details needed t0 get it up and running, but I d0 predict manya linux issues (sings d0000nt drink that Wiine, d0pe w0uld be better, its easier t0 fiind).

Battleswarm was an0ther game that I f0und a few m0nths back t00, again, dunn0 ab0ut linux c0mpatibility. Think y0u, 5 0ther guys, vers 2 humans c0ntr0lling and endless swarm 0f bugs. FPS cr0ss RTS…. “ Oh God, were gonna die. DONT YOU UNDERSTAND, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!”

p.s Starship Troopers l00ks EXCELLENT 0n Blu-Ray. m0re then 12 years 0ld that m0vie… Excellent!


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