1. Create a new file, name it “Enemy Territory: Quake Wars” (or whatever) 2. Put the following in it:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Exec=/usr/local/games/etqw/etqw Icon=/usr/local/games/etqw/etqw_icon.png Terminal=false Name=Enemy Territory: Quake Wars StartupNotify=false Categories=Game;ActionGame;
Save, quit, and you’re good to go (i.e. double-click on it).
This is just the manual way of doing (in KDE) “Right click” -> “Create new” -> “Link to application”.
More information about formatting options
Shortcut to start ET:QW
1. Create a new file, name it “Enemy Territory: Quake Wars” (or whatever)
2. Put the following in it:
Save, quit, and you’re good to go (i.e. double-click on it).
This is just the manual way of doing (in KDE) “Right click” -> “Create new” -> “Link to application”.