n0 Faceamab00k n0 myspaced0ut
nup n0ne 0f that f0r me…..
w0uld highly rec0mmend SACRED – G0LD EDITI0N “the Kingdom is infiltrated by Goblins” and b0y is there al0t 0f em…..
Reminds me I sh0uld buy Sacred 2……
s0 will Steam g0 d0wn the path 0f Linux, 0nly time will tell……
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n0 twitterMA
n0 Faceamab00k
n0 myspaced0ut
nup n0ne 0f that f0r me…..
w0uld highly rec0mmend SACRED – G0LD EDITI0N
“the Kingdom is infiltrated by Goblins”
and b0y is there al0t 0f em…..
Reminds me I sh0uld buy Sacred 2……
s0 will Steam g0 d0wn the path 0f Linux, 0nly time will tell……