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Saw Quick Pr0m0

Saw A quick pr0m0 f0r this 0n telly the 0ther night. Based 0n an Aussie b00k wasn’t it? I think its s0mething my siblings w0ulda read in sch00l and that I had missed. Hmm, c0uld be interesting. Maybe a g00d prep f0r the c0mming N0rwegian c0unter attack by Team IPX… Little b@stards are always 0ne step ahead… =’(

Als0, Red Dawn =‘s VERY y0ung Carl0s Estevez! (aka Charlie Sheen).. T00 bad its g0t Patrick Swayze in it.. =p

They’re remaking Red Dawn this year t00 btw. Maybe this time instead 0f S0viets invading they will have bearded men parachuting 0n giant t0wels int0 caves. ;p


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