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f0ll0w up quake: 5.7

Magnitude 5.7

Depth 17.4 km (10.8 miles)

Time & Date Saturday, September 04, 2010 at 04:53:00 AM at epicenter

Distances 50 km (30 miles) WNW of Christchurch, New Zealand
190 km (115 miles) SSE of Westport, New Zealand
305 km (190 miles) NNE of Dunedin, New Zealand
320 km (200 miles) SW of WELLINGTON, New Zealand

EDIT: Other f0ll0w up quakes/ Aftersh0cks have been rep0rted, at less then 5.0 magnitude, h0wever the USGS has n0t updated their maps t0 reflect this inf0rmati0n, yet. Guess they d0nt care ab0ut this side 0f the w0rld all that much, asl0ng as its happening 0ver here. =/


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