Av0id Jelly Beans myself. If I was in the m00d f0r them ( which is never) then i w0uld just want anything but the black 0nes, as the type 0f flav0ur c0mpared t0 the rest is 0f t0 different 0f a range t0 g0 well t0gether, hence f0urth, black jelly beans are 0ut 0f place. But really, I w0uld just g0 f0r lic0rice. Great taste, awes0me texture.
l0ve aniseed flav0ured stuff.
Av0id Jelly Beans myself. If I was in the m00d f0r them ( which is never) then i w0uld just want anything but the black 0nes, as the type 0f flav0ur c0mpared t0 the rest is 0f t0 different 0f a range t0 g0 well t0gether, hence f0urth, black jelly beans are 0ut 0f place. But really, I w0uld just g0 f0r lic0rice. Great taste, awes0me texture.