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Robag's picture

f#$king Great Game rV f#$king gg Team IPX

22:58:30] hitmanb > yep he speaks
[22:58:35] Moridin > you guys win.. as the higher team
[22:58:38] Moridin > :(
[22:58:40] MATTATUIDE > rly?
[22:58:42] Griffo > thats fkign garbage
[22:58:46] hitmanb > hmm
[22:58:47] fi1th > xox
[22:58:51] MATTATUIDE > hang on
[22:59:00] fi1th > awesome game
[22:59:00] Moridin > replay sunday? :P
[22:59:04] MATTATUIDE > vgg guys
[22:59:05] Moridin > haha yea well done
[22:59:10] Moridin > thought we had yas
[22:59:14] MATTATUIDE > best all season
[22:59:19] Kerrien > gg
[22:59:21] Microman171 > gg :-)
[22:59:26] rV. Griffo has left the server..
[22:59:28] BL00DST0RM > gg games always great playing you guys
[22:59:45] Moridin > aye thanks.. well done. very gg
[22:59:48] Milzy56 > gg
[22:59:56] limpet > well done, very gg
[23:00:01] MATTATUIDE > ill jump into your vent
[23:00:03] fi1th > thnks guys
[23:00:04] Moridin > kk
[23:00:06] /_IPX_\ Kerrien has left the server..
[23:00:07] /_IPX_\ Microman171 has left the server..
[23:00:07] /_IPX_\ MATTATUIDE has left the server..
[23:00:08] /_IPX_\ fi1th has left the server..
[23:00:09] /_IPX_\ Milzy56 has left the server..
[23:00:12] /_IPX_\ limpet has left the server..
[23:00:12] BL00DST0RM > thanks guys cya
[23:00:12] rV. Ayum has left the server..
[23:00:13] Moridin > thanks ipx
[23:00:14] /_IPX_\ Dystort has left the server..
[23:00:15] rV. bxpressiv has left the server..
[23:00:21] /_IPX_\ BL00DST0RM has left the server..
[23:00:29] rV. hitmanb has left the server..
[23:01:11] rV. Moridin has left the server..


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