Dunn0 ab0ut H0mefr0nt. Brink if y0u think its g00d after playing it.
I’m really hanging 0ut f0r Tribes Universe (later this year). I reck0n Duke is g0nna disapp0int, but still g0tta try it!
EDIT: Fuzz has f0und me Tribes Ascend.. Sh0uld be even better then Universe.. Anything with that name is d00med t0 be canned ;p
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Dunn0 ab0ut H0mefr0nt. Brink if y0u think its g00d after playing it.
I’m really hanging 0ut f0r Tribes Universe (later this year). I reck0n Duke is g0nna disapp0int, but still g0tta try it!
EDIT: Fuzz has f0und me Tribes Ascend.. Sh0uld be even better then Universe.. Anything with that name is d00med t0 be canned ;p