Submitted by Hashy -exIPX (not verified) on Sun, 13/03/2011 - 11:57.
What is dubbed the “new mine” is actually built up0n a netw0rk 0f caverns which we were f0rtunate en0ugh (0r unf0rtunate depending 0n h0w 0ften y0u get l0st…) t0 find. It appears t0 g0 0n f0rever and I am still expl0ring a large subsurface magma p00l..
h0t tip when w0rking near lava and high falls: h0lding d0wn “sneak” default left shift key will all0w y0u t0 “hang 0ver” the sides 0f bl0cks with0ut falling.. But becareful! d0n’t let g0!
The endless caverns 0f d00m..
What is dubbed the “new mine” is actually built up0n a netw0rk 0f caverns which we were f0rtunate en0ugh (0r unf0rtunate depending 0n h0w 0ften y0u get l0st…) t0 find. It appears t0 g0 0n f0rever and I am still expl0ring a large subsurface magma p00l..
h0t tip when w0rking near lava and high falls: h0lding d0wn “sneak” default left shift key will all0w y0u t0 “hang 0ver” the sides 0f bl0cks with0ut falling.. But becareful! d0n’t let g0!