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Round 3 - Team Tsunami came 0ut 0nt0p

GG t0 all th0se wh0 c0uld make it……

Well what a night, 2 games clearly 1 by Team Tsunami but still the 2nd r0und f0rced a sudden death r0und
and yep al0t 0f us were tired after 2 h0urs 0f watching every0ne jump madly ar0und…..

s0 where 2 fr0m here I hear U asked….well…. the rules state The winning team of the 3 games and as Team Earth Quake were denied r0und 3 with a valiant win by Team Tsunami I see it 0nly fair that next Friday we play Last Pad Standing with the first player to DIE (IE l00se all 0f there 10 Lives) is 0ut and we keep playing until we have a winner……

s0 thats
Date & Time: Friday 13/05/2011 at 9:00pm
Game Type: Last Padman Standing

So we all l00k f0rward in seeing y0u next Friday f0r the Final 0f WOPIT#2
Wh0 Will B there ?
Wh0 Will Die ?
Wh0 Will make it thru the r0unds ?
Wh0 Will B the WOPIT#2 Champ ?
Wh0 Will Win the IPX Jumper ?

Well it c0uld B Y0u, B there next Friday f0r y0ur Chance 2 be cr0wned the WOPIT#2 Champi0n and Receive y0ur IPX Jumper……….

Padman Padman Padman


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