The WOPIT#2 Final was 0ne by Silentshadow in a Five game Winning Streak with the first 4 eliminati0n r0unds played with 10 Lives then the last game agreed up0n between Ltmon & Silent t0 reduce the Lives d0wn t0 5 and played 0ut…..
The first r0und t0night saw Bloodstorm Bail0ut f0ll0wed by n0mad then Hashy. Kazashi had t0 leave and the Tournament was getting cl0se t0 the Finale….
Kippa f0ught t0 make it t0 the t0p 3 but was SPLASHED 0ut by Silent, this Left the final between LT & Silent and it had sum intense tactics were LT stuck with the tried and true SPLASHER meanwhile Silent mixed Weap0ns Up t0 be cr0wn the WOPIT#2 Champ….
0verall it was sum very cl0se Padman Games and every0ne had a chance t0 win the Limited Edition BLUEIPX Jumper playing a Map that many 0f us had never played 0r seen bef0re….
All the best Ingame Screensh0ts can be seen Here
s0 well d0wn t0 Silentshadow y0u were clearly 0n ya game t0night and keep an eye0ut f0r y0ur Prize in the mail, Wear It with Pride……
I w0uld like t0 take this 0pp0rtunity t0 thank again Chipper f0r getting me int0 Gear t0 run an0ther Team IPX Tournament
and I can’t thank Robag en0ugh f0r his c0ntinued IPX Server supp0rt, s0 U kn0w Robag I like 300 Gravity with 1500 Speed :P
Bel0w are sum ingame Screensh0ts 0f t0nights Final
WOPIT#2 Final
The WOPIT#2 Final was 0ne by Silentshadow in a Five game Winning Streak with the first 4 eliminati0n r0unds played with 10 Lives then the last game agreed up0n between Ltmon & Silent t0 reduce the Lives d0wn t0 5 and played 0ut…..
The first r0und t0night saw Bloodstorm Bail0ut f0ll0wed by n0mad then Hashy. Kazashi had t0 leave and the Tournament was getting cl0se t0 the Finale….
Kippa f0ught t0 make it t0 the t0p 3 but was SPLASHED 0ut by Silent, this Left the final between LT & Silent and it had sum intense tactics were LT stuck with the tried and true SPLASHER meanwhile Silent mixed Weap0ns Up t0 be cr0wn the WOPIT#2 Champ….
0verall it was sum very cl0se Padman Games and every0ne had a chance t0 win the Limited Edition BLUE IPX Jumper playing a Map that many 0f us had never played 0r seen bef0re….
All the best Ingame Screensh0ts can be seen Here
s0 well d0wn t0 Silentshadow y0u were clearly 0n ya game t0night and keep an eye0ut f0r y0ur Prize in the mail, Wear It with Pride……
I w0uld like t0 take this 0pp0rtunity t0 thank again Chipper f0r getting me int0 Gear t0 run an0ther Team IPX Tournament
and I can’t thank Robag en0ugh f0r his c0ntinued IPX Server supp0rt, s0 U kn0w Robag I like 300 Gravity with 1500 Speed :P
Bel0w are sum ingame Screensh0ts 0f t0nights Final