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Sha8doW's picture



It’s already smashing Homefront out of the park!
Interesting to see if it’s still gunna have punkbuster & VAC? Personally while VAC is good cause it logs to steam, I find Punkbuster to be alot more comprehensive, dilliegent and ultimately better! (I don’t think I’ve ever seen VAC do anything along the lines of “kick/ban” just simply threaten on game startup!)

Also, I’d just like to point out that while steamworks is great in terms of applying achievements (good) the VoIP and the overall way it interacts with games is UGLY, clunky and detracts from the overall game! (bad) the closest I’ve seen to getting this right is L4D but that still leaves a heap to be desired!

More to follow but not from this godforsaken phone (and fat fingers)


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