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ThanX to all

wh0 c0uld make it………………….

A big ThanX t0 robag wh0 c0ntinues t0 pr0vide the Servers, Robag y0ur ACE….
A big FU t0 Telstra f0r still n0t fixing my ph0ne line, I n0w supp0rt the NBN t0 the fullest…..
And lastly a big sh0ut 0ut t0 Mrs n0mad wh0 still puts up with me gaming t0 the wee h0urs…..

0n a final n0te th0se IPXer’s wh0 haven’t tried Padman 0r Sm0kin Guns d0 s0 and U will find sum gaming fun can be f0und f0r free…



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