Time and date? Funnily en0ugh the 4th 0f n0vember will be the day that Tribes Ascend g0es 0pen beta but that d0esnt b0ther me.
Just think ab0ut y0ur availability, and we can try and w0rk 0ut and pin d0wn a better time and day f0r it. Chances are times will change s0, just see h0w we g0.
Tables in these things? Any idea h0w I get 0ne 0f th0se tables in these challenge p0sts? n0t that im l00king f0rward t0 slapping it t0gether, but it w0uld c0me in handy =)
Time and date
Time and date? Funnily en0ugh the 4th 0f n0vember will be the day that Tribes Ascend g0es 0pen beta but that d0esnt b0ther me.
Just think ab0ut y0ur availability, and we can try and w0rk 0ut and pin d0wn a better time and day f0r it. Chances are times will change s0, just see h0w we g0.
Tables in these things? Any idea h0w I get 0ne 0f th0se tables in these challenge p0sts? n0t that im l00king f0rward t0 slapping it t0gether, but it w0uld c0me in handy =)