and its ab0ut damn time t00!
I have n0t given it a pr0per run thru yet. Was g0ing t0 wait until we g0t a decent server g0ing f0r it. Maybe have t0 ask Kippa nicely ab0ut it =)
Will have t0 reinstall the m0d stuff later 0n anyways, then we can build l0ngyearbyen and crush th0se damn n0rwegians!!!
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and its ab0ut damn time t00!
I have n0t given it a pr0per run thru yet. Was g0ing t0 wait until we g0t a decent server g0ing f0r it. Maybe have t0 ask Kippa nicely ab0ut it =)
Will have t0 reinstall the m0d stuff later 0n anyways, then we can build l0ngyearbyen and crush th0se damn n0rwegians!!!