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Robag's picture

new run with some tweks

robag@vps:/usr/local/games/minecraft/two$ cat white-list.txt
robag@vps:/usr/local/games/minecraft/two$ sudo java -server -Xmx500M -Xms500M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
174 recipes
27 achievements
2011-11-25 12:04:06 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.0.1
2011-11-25 12:04:06 [WARNING] **** NOT ENOUGH RAM!
2011-11-25 12:04:06 [WARNING] To start the server with more ram, launch it as “java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar”
2011-11-25 12:04:06 [INFO] Loading properties
2011-11-25 12:04:07 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
2011-11-25 12:04:07 [INFO] Preparing level “world”
2011-11-25 12:04:07 [INFO] Default game type: 0
Unable to find spawn biome
Unable to find spawn biome
2011-11-25 12:04:09 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
2011-11-25 12:04:10 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
2011-11-25 12:04:11 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 4%
2011-11-25 12:04:12 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 8%
2011-11-25 12:04:13 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 12%
2011-11-25 12:04:14 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 12%
2011-11-25 12:04:15 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 20%
2011-11-25 12:04:17 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 24%
2011-11-25 12:04:18 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 32%
2011-11-25 12:04:19 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
2011-11-25 12:04:20 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 52%
2011-11-25 12:04:21 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 61%
2011-11-25 12:04:22 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 65%
2011-11-25 12:04:23 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 73%
2011-11-25 12:04:24 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 85%
2011-11-25 12:04:25 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 93%
2011-11-25 12:04:26 [INFO] Done (19497052000ns)! For help, type “help” or “?”
2011-11-25 12:04:34 [WARNING] Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2011-11-25 12:04:37 [WARNING] Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2011-11-25 12:04:39 [WARNING] Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?


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