Overhaul of Scrapbox procentages, gl trying to farm diamonds – n00000000!
Solar Panels are now aware of weather influences – super intelligent self aware s0lar panels.. Rule the Earth during the day, easily smashable at night..
Nuclear Reactors now provide 2x the energy – d0es that mean “when” it bl0ws its g0ing t0 crash the server twice as hard?
Running Macerators give off smoke particles – Just take the battery 0ut 0f the sm0ke alarm in the kitchen..
Added Luminators – Added Luminat0rs…. Added Luminat0rs…. ELECTRICLIGHTS!!! AWWWWYEAHH!!!! These m0ds just keep giving me everything I ask f0r xD
Overhaul of Scrapbox procentages, gl trying to farm diamonds – n00000000!
Solar Panels are now aware of weather influences – super intelligent self aware s0lar panels.. Rule the Earth during the day, easily smashable at night..
Nuclear Reactors now provide 2x the energy – d0es that mean “when” it bl0ws its g0ing t0 crash the server twice as hard?
Running Macerators give off smoke particles – Just take the battery 0ut 0f the sm0ke alarm in the kitchen..
Added Luminators – Added Luminat0rs…. Added Luminat0rs…. ELECTRIC LIGHTS!!! AWWWW YEAHH!!!! These m0ds just keep giving me everything I ask f0r xD