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Actually Unfortunately..

Unfortunately there’s been a change of plans for me. I will not be able to join the team for this Friday’s Padman game, but i have a bloody good reason for it!

I am now on DAY 6! Thats SIX DAYS IN A ROW. Of what you ask?

An unprecedented 6 nights in a row of GOOD SLEEP! First time in like, I don’t know, a decade.

Suffice to say, I feel f**king fantastic because of it! Between that and the extra Sun shine I have been getting, I just feel so damn good.

However the problem is this; I am on a roll! I’ve got a good thing going, and after a decade of disrupted sleeping patterns, it is going to take quiet a few weeks or even months before this alien concept to myself of being awake DURING THE DAY becomes the norm. I need to keep it at this level for as long as I can. I’m not willing to risk working in a “weekend schedule” just now, as I feel it is too soon. I have to keep going to bed early ( about 7-8pm, and asleep by 9-10pm). It’s as simple as that. Give it a few weeks or a month or so, and I will begin to incorporate late nights for weekends only.

How have I achieved this you may be wondering?

Something I read on Damn LOL. A thing about “lifehacks”. Two of my favourite being the one where you can see the flashing diodes of a remote control using an digital camera. The other being “How to regulate your circadian rhythms”

Essentially it is like this. The circadian rhythm is regulated by the eating cycle. You eat dinner, and within an 12-16 hour period after your dinner, in which time you have slept, or not, you eat your breakfast within this time frame. This becomes your bodies new morning, and you will begin to wake up around this time. So I have been eating brekky around 7:30am, and have been waking up at 6:30am or so. Its like magic almost. I wake up BEFORE my alarm goes off, and I’m practically wide awake, not lethargic or tired or anything, I’m awake and ready to begin the day! It seems so simple and sounds stupid when youve had sleeping problems for almost a dozen years. Not that it makes you feel stupid or anything, but when something so simple can fix a problem so big, your quiet bloody grateful in the end actually.

So sure I’ll have some bad nights, get to sleep too late, wake up too late, feel a bit too lethargic in the morning.. I’m prepared for that. But now I know how to create the stability I need, I must continue to focus on these efforts and create a longer term foundation.

Quiet frankly my insomnia is almost cured. It has been a MAJOR disruption in my life, and I am not sorry to be rid of it. I finally have the OPPORTUNITY to actually get a job that I can hold down, and therefore proceed with my life. About fragging time I tell ya!!

I owe this to Mr Damn LOL, Lifehacks and a rather nice Perigee Moon!

So if you are suffering from a disrupted sleeping cycle, my recommendation is to watch what you eat and when. Proper timing of your meals will not only ensure a more stable sleeping cycle, but just as importantly, a well rested good nights sleep!

I will see you guys hopefully for the next round of Padman. I look forward to it;

for now this is Hashy signing off from the Delta Quadrant.. Or Mars.. Take your pick; either way I’m a long long way from home xD


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