The servers came up one hour after they had dropped due to 7.38 million people joining at the same time
The servers came up then y0u still c0uldn’t c0nnect and when y0u did it w0uld dr0p 0ut after 5 minutes 0f gameplay I w0uldn’t call it stable n0r w0uld I call it value for m0ney $69.00 and U still can’t play the Single Player 0chhh…
I doubt torchlight multiplayer servers could take 7.38 million connections at the same time.
Time will tell, as Torchlight had n0 multiplayer at all, s0 we will see whe Torchlight 2 get’s release won’t we….
Also the first torchlight came out 27 of october 2009, the first diablo came out 31st of december 1996, the second diablo came out in 2000, followed by its expansion in 2001. If anything is a rip-off it would be torchlight, as diablo came out many years before torchlight was even contemplated by those developers.
Torchlight is n0t a rip 0ff 0f Diablo it’s the same GENRE and yes it’s Cart00ny Diablo and remember
the guys behind Diablo2 are behind Torchlight s0 call it Rip 0ff but great minds create great things and diablo3 is n0t great….Diablo 1 & 2 excellent… Diablo3 very g00d graphics but were is the gameplay…..
Please get your facts straight before you take a chop at diablo 3.
Fact is diablo3 is shit, Have I played it, YES, w0uld I rec0mmend even Torchlight 1 0ver it yes….
My c0mment 0f diablo3 as the rip 0ff is that t0 spend d0llars 0n a game and U can’t even play Single player then c0mpare it t0 Torchlight and value f0r m0ney Id ch00se Torchlight and way better gameplay….
s0 my final c0mments are that when Torchlight 2 is released it will be put up against Diablo3 and my heads up it will shine well 0ver diablo3 and it’s indie……
Akenn Akenn Akenn
The servers came up then y0u still c0uldn’t c0nnect and when y0u did it w0uld dr0p 0ut after 5 minutes 0f gameplay I w0uldn’t call it stable n0r w0uld I call it value for m0ney $69.00 and U still can’t play the Single Player 0chhh…
Time will tell, as Torchlight had n0 multiplayer at all, s0 we will see whe Torchlight 2 get’s release won’t we….
Torchlight is n0t a rip 0ff 0f Diablo it’s the same GENRE and yes it’s Cart00ny Diablo and remember
the guys behind Diablo2 are behind Torchlight s0 call it Rip 0ff but great minds create great things and diablo3 is n0t great….Diablo 1 & 2 excellent… Diablo3 very g00d graphics but were is the gameplay…..
Fact is diablo3 is shit, Have I played it, YES, w0uld I rec0mmend even Torchlight 1 0ver it yes….
My c0mment 0f diablo3 as the rip 0ff is that t0 spend d0llars 0n a game and U can’t even play Single player then c0mpare it t0 Torchlight and value f0r m0ney Id ch00se Torchlight and way better gameplay….
s0 my final c0mments are that when Torchlight 2 is released it will be put up against Diablo3 and my heads up it will shine well 0ver diablo3 and it’s indie……
0ld Sk00l RPGer