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Working together...

By working together, we can achieve more then a “clan” of “professionals” ever could. We don’t compete with each other, that would undermine our team ethic. Instead we work TOGETHER… Why you ask?

Because the f**king Norwegians are REALLY organized!!! If we don’t stick together and trust each other, they will screw us over big time…

I even offered them TASMANIA in exchange for Svalsbard… They said they would rather their polar bears… HONESTLY, A FROZEN WASTELAND WITH POLAR BEARS OVER A COOL TEMPERATE RAINFOREST!!!! WERE STUFFED!!!!

Plus they can obviously kill the entire team about 4 times over again WITHOUT dying and only getting 21 years for it!!!

I’m still gathering intel ( and slowly but surely bleeding Kroner’s out of their economy… Don’t ask me how…), but when I am done, it will be our time to strike, and take back zee motherland!!!

Seriously.. We gotta stick together.. Like only good waffles do..


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