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Sha8doW's picture

We re happy to have you!

DrFunkenstein I’ve created you an account here at, details and password should have been emailed to you. If you don’t get it, hit me up!

1. Will add you ASAP tonight after work
2. It’s going to be great to have you!
3. Screw Norway? Everyone’s gotta have a nemesis… Why not Norway!? It’s original!
4. Captcha – we don’t believe in locking our site down so everyday random visitors can’t see anything, nor restrict their ability to comment and provide valuable input into the discussions! The captcha isn’t perfect but at the moment it’s the best tool/compromise we’ve go to eliminate spam (which is all but zero) and give freedom to new people to explore and comment on the site!


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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This question is for testing whether you are a Norwegian and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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