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beavisbeaver's picture

LOL's @ night maps

Ahhh.. Shack 2.0 home of:

Night games = Standard maps are played with the sky turned off (night) or a sky used from a different map.
Crazy Physics = Changes to gravity, item weights & air resistance.
Suicide Trench Run = Just like in Star Wars. Can you fly or drive thru tight corridors of rows of AVT’s and survive?
Free-for-all = Instant spawn of all game deployables & vehicles available to use by anyone, anywhere.
Race Night = Group MCP races & Hog vs Dillo circuit races.
Vehicle Stack = vehicles indoors & stacking outdoors to the sky. (RJking usually crashes the server with 60+ MCP’s & 2FPS)

They were all on the The Shack 2.0 server. We only had a few night time games but the effect changes the whole map that your used to playing. The server died when they (Bethesda) pulled the plug on the master authentication server just as i got our custom maps campaign going too. :(

These would have been crazy-insane-crazy if we had more contestants for our games… Was still fun times.


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