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Sha8doW's picture


So haters, ragers, trouble makers, anon posters and wankers in general couldn’t disrupt the fun that everyone was having…
it wouldnt have been fair on the visitors…
it wouldnt have been fair on the IPX players…
it wouldnt have been fair on the legacy of ETQW

it sucks, because it would have been great to top the 22 we had at one point… but if you cant trust people, why risk it!?
I think it was proven that 6 good friends can have more fun then 32 ragers!

maybe next time those who wanted to play and didnt have the password, could come have a chat to us, say what you need to say, and then get the password…
we suggested it over 10 days ago. You can lead a horse to water…


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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