Hey 0z finally dr0pped the xb0x c0ntr0ller t0 C y0ur c0mments ab0ve…
The first game I never played but this TRANSFORMED versi0n is awsum
we play mari0 kart al0t 0n the wII s0 this is way better than mario kart
Levels are detailed and fun, each kart/car has it’s 0wn traits and upgrades
4 player split screen is amazing even 2 player split screen is awsum
Just the right mix 0f car to boat to plan that makes it n0t a gimmik but a great thing t0 mix up the acti0n….
Well I have high praise f0r this game as it runs 0n my l0w spec multimedia PC
with 1080P 1920 × 1080 flawlessly
s0 I trust we may be able t0 have a game 0nline s00n 0z….
0hh and I remember n0w why SEGA has a s0ft sp0t f0r me
g0lden axe was 0ne 0f my fav0rite [C64 then g0t it 0n Atari] games that’s why I like SEGA
Hey 0z finally dr0pped the xb0x c0ntr0ller t0 C y0ur c0mments ab0ve…
The first game I never played but this TRANSFORMED versi0n is awsum
we play mari0 kart al0t 0n the wII s0 this is way better than mario kart
Levels are detailed and fun, each kart/car has it’s 0wn traits and upgrades
4 player split screen is amazing even 2 player split screen is awsum
Just the right mix 0f car to boat to plan that makes it n0t a gimmik but a great thing t0 mix up the acti0n….
Well I have high praise f0r this game as it runs 0n my l0w spec multimedia PC
with 1080P 1920 × 1080 flawlessly
s0 I trust we may be able t0 have a game 0nline s00n 0z….
0hh and I remember n0w why SEGA has a s0ft sp0t f0r me
g0lden axe was 0ne 0f my fav0rite [C64 then g0t it 0n Atari] games that’s why I like SEGA