Can’t wait t0 see if the r0cket launcher Ech0 Data needs t0 have m0re arc…
Actual can’t wait t0 get my hands 0n the r0cket launcher in this, n0t like this guy
Time t0 get sum IPX free BETA keys, any0ne up f0r a detailed email explaining the awesomeness 0f TeamIPX in w0rds ?
0r d0 we just g0 with;
Dear Splash damage,
“You can kill an IPX, but you’ll never outsmart one”
Can’t wait t0 see if the r0cket launcher Ech0 Data needs t0 have m0re arc…
Actual can’t wait t0 get my hands 0n the r0cket launcher in this, n0t like this guy
Time t0 get sum IPX free BETA keys, any0ne up f0r a detailed email explaining the awesomeness 0f TeamIPX in w0rds ?
0r d0 we just g0 with;
Dear Splash damage,
“You can kill an IPX, but you’ll never outsmart one”
Give us Alpha/Beta Keys n0w….
I can see they are really putting in sum eff0rt t0 get this game right….