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I will happily play if no

I will happily play if no one else can, my friend I am sure can entertain himself (we have beer ffs) for an hour or so.
If we have the numbers then I would prefer to sit it out but if we dont I am in like flin.

In regards to hacks or poor sportsmanship.
The only negative experience I have had with E was when one of them somehow took the data brain earlier in the map then was supposed to be possible.
When several of us called foul they informed us that it was an exploit (by using disguise) and not a hack and was apparently possible in RTCW ET, which I never played.
They didnt seem capable of actualy doing anything anything once they got it though, they might have just been showing off.
They seem to me to have some good players, I cant seem them needing to cheat in a ladder game.
However, we ‘need’ some practice. We should really organise a scrim with tW or another good clan.
If they would allow it IMO the best thing would be to mix the teams, half of tW with half of us. That way we can pick up a little of how they play and they can offer us advice. When we just play us vs them its very hard to assess exactly what they are doing, pinge seems like a good guy and he ‘might’ go for this.

Either way, I am in if needed.


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