Thank you for contacting us regarding the action that has been taken on your account.
Having completed a thorough investigation into your account and the complaint that you have made, we must advise that your account was actioned correctly, in full compliance with our policies and procedures.
Following our review into the actions taken on your account we wish to confirm that we shall not be removing this ban from your account, nor will we be pursuing this issue any further at this time.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As a valued customer, your feedback is very important to us.
Fan fucking tastic.
Thank you for contacting us regarding the action that has been taken on your account.
Having completed a thorough investigation into your account and the complaint that you have made, we must advise that your account was actioned correctly, in full compliance with our policies and procedures.
Following our review into the actions taken on your account we wish to confirm that we shall not be removing this ban from your account, nor will we be pursuing this issue any further at this time.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As a valued customer, your feedback is very important to us.
Yours sincerely,
EA Customer Service Customer Relations