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Two words shad -

Blow me….

Not a fucking chance in hell.

You will catch me with an iPhone on the same day you catch me playing World of Warcraft.

ROFL made my night Shad!!!! xD I don’t even know what this girlfriend concept you speak of is, what planet are you from again???

and yes.. Turf is expensive, and I am 8 years old of date on prices too!!! Back in my day… Queensland Blue Couch was “new”….
I know.. Nobody wants a cheap sod!!!

Jesus.. I’m only 25 and already saying “Back in my day” to the kids here in the team… I thought I wasn’t supposed to start this sh!t until I was 30..???!!

Goes back home and rethinks my life..

Searches Turf prices instead.. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SH!T???!!!! ITS ALL LIKE, 3x THE PRICE IT USED TOO BE… GTFO OF MY SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!

$10 a sq/m for Sir Walter…. 10 BUCKSGTFO!!!!!!


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