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all no for me

sadly none of them have linux support(some i would <3 to play if it did like battlefield 4, payday and rising storm)

Planetary annihilation(modern TA – same devs) is now on steam i backed it when it was on kickstarter so i got the alpha(works on linux now too)
since its an alpha its a little buggy,laggy and unfinished so you might not want to get it yet but would be a good choice when it gets released(December i think they are aiming for. its 90bucks for alpha but the price will drop for beta($60)/release($40)so much hate on steam forums about price hell most console games here are above 90) and as a bonus its cross platform

painkiller HD was meant to be out may/june but has been delayed with no eta. would also be a good choice when its ready


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