Welc0me fell0w linux user I ch00se Mandriva but since the g00d staff left I als0 F0ll0wed them and n0w fully supp0rt Mageia…..
But en0ugh ab0ut linux welc0me t0 TEAM IPX the free f00d is here and the bl0ndes are here and the gaming systems are here and the……..
s0 Have y0u g0t Padman installed yet ? Thus returns us t0 Linux ;>
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Padman installed yet ?
Welc0me fell0w linux user I ch00se Mandriva but since the g00d staff left I als0 F0ll0wed them and n0w fully supp0rt Mageia…..
But en0ugh ab0ut linux welc0me t0 TEAM IPX the free f00d is here and the bl0ndes are here and the gaming systems are here and the……..
s0 Have y0u g0t Padman installed yet ?
Thus returns us t0 Linux ;>