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n0mad's picture

2.2 milli0n

s0 if valve have t0 pay 1.1 million in damages me thinks they have easily made ten times that in over pricing on the AUD Aussie pricing.

0r an0ther way t0 l00k at it

It is estimated 2.2 milli0n steam acc0unts are Australian and if they made $5.00 per user in profit in game sales as an example that’s 11 million in the kitty to pay any fines we want them to pay.

s0 I think Valve will pay this c0urt case t0 make it disappear and c0ntinue t0 make large pr0fits fr0m us Aussie gamer’s……

The big picture sh0ws Valve’s revenue was rep0rted at m0re than $3 billi0n and digital gaming sales w0rldwide is a $61 billi0n d0llar industry.

Yep Valve ain’t w0rried….



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