Submitted by linuxslacker on Mon, 20/03/2017 - 21:49.
if you need a server just ask and i can pop mine up
startup script im running atm if anyone wanted to setup an official teamipx server on the DS or somewhere else(not sure if it shows in server list but it does work fine)
#!/bin/sh STEAMCMD=”/home/steamds/steam/” GARRYSMODLOC=”/home/steamds/steam/GarrysMod”
#make sure games up to date
${STEAMCMD} +login anonymous +force_install_dir “${GARRYSMODLOC}” +app_update 4020 validate +quit
theres also a base collection for us here:
i dont mind adding more mods/maps but id like to keep it clean with stuff we would actually use i wish there was a way to add more people to the collection but i cant see how to do that…. damn valve
theres a bit more to setting it up too that i cant remember you have to modify another file that automounts/downloads the addons otherwise you get issues with people autodownloading/server not updating ill update if i find/remember.also you got to get an auth key otherwise the addon stuff just doesnt work it should be safe to run both ttt and prophunt on same server since the ttt cvars and prophunt ones dont overlap and get ignored which is what im doing here it just symlinks the relevent maplist for the mod you could do the same with the server.cfg and not get cvar errors in the console but they don’t effect anything
way too big of a list
if you need a server just ask and i can pop mine up
startup script im running atm if anyone wanted to setup an official teamipx server on the DS or somewhere else(not sure if it shows in server list but it does work fine)
#make sure games up to date
${STEAMCMD} +login anonymous +force_install_dir “${GARRYSMODLOC}” +app_update 4020 validate +quit
#Run the server
ln -sfn “${GARRYSMODLOC}/garrysmod/cfg/mapcycle-TTT.txt” “${GARRYSMODLOC}/garrysmod/cfg/mapcycle.txt”
#ln -sfn
./srcds_run -game garrysmod -nosteamclient +sv_hostname TeamIPX-TTT +hostname TeamIPX-TTT +maxplayers 32 -authkey +host_workshop_collection 804206068 +gamemode terrortown +map ttt_waterworld
// server name
//hostname “TeamIPX-TTT”
//hostname “TeamIPX-PropHunters
sv_password “
// rcon passsword“
rcon_password “
// server logging
log on
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0
// operation
sv_lan 0
sv_region 5 //Australia
// Important to see player models correctly
ttt_playercolor_mode 0
// FTP Server
//sv_downloadurl “xxx”
//sv_allowdownload 0
//sv_allowupload 0
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
sv_timeout 90
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 20000
sv_minupdaterate 33
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_mincmdrate 33
sv_maxcmdrate 66
// PropHunters Config
// TTT Configs
ttt_firstpreptime 45
ttt_preptime_seconds 20
ttt_posttime_seconds 10
//Round length
ttt_haste 1
ttt_haste_starting_minutes 5
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.25
//Map Switching
ttt_round_limit 15
ttt_time_limit_minutes 30
//Player Counts
ttt_minimum_players 3
ttt_traitor_pct 0.25
ttt_traitor_max 8
ttt_detective_pct 0.13
ttt_detective_max 2
ttt_detective_min_players 5
ttt_detective_karma_min 600
ttt_karma 1
ttt_karma_strict 1
ttt_karma_starting 1000
ttt_karma_max 1500
ttt_karma_ratio 0.001
ttt_karma_kill_penalty 15
ttt_karma_round_increment 5
ttt_karma_clean_bonus 30
ttt_karma_traitordmg_ratio 0.0003
ttt_karma_traitorkill_bonus 40
ttt_karma_low_autokick 1
ttt_karma_low_amount 600
ttt_karma_low_ban 0
ttt_karma_low_ban_minutes 20
ttt_karma_persist 1
ttt_karma_clean_half 0.25
ttt_postround_dm 1
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep 0
ttt_weapon_carrying 1
ttt_weapon_carrying_range 50
ttt_teleport_telefrags 1
ttt_ragdoll_pinning 1
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents 1
ttt_use_weapon_spawn_scripts 1
ttt_spawn_wave_interval 2
theres also a base collection for us here:
i dont mind adding more mods/maps but id like to keep it clean with stuff we would actually use i wish there was a way to add more people to the collection but i cant see how to do that…. damn valve
theres a bit more to setting it up too that i cant remember you have to modify another file that automounts/downloads the addons otherwise you get issues with people autodownloading/server not updating ill update if i find/remember.also you got to get an auth key otherwise the addon stuff just doesnt work it should be safe to run both ttt and prophunt on same server since the ttt cvars and prophunt ones dont overlap and get ignored which is what im doing here it just symlinks the relevent maplist for the mod you could do the same with the server.cfg and not get cvar errors in the console but they don’t effect anything