Welc0me t0 the team, side arms are required and in my case RPG strapped t0 my back is what makes me have fun.
Enj0y the fun and I want to say Install Padman but after a few games 0f Smokin’ Guns I n0w say
Install Smokin’ Guns
n0mad RPG vs Sniper l0ng range – wh0 w0uld win :P
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Welc0me t0 the team, side arms are required and in my case RPG strapped t0 my back is what makes me have fun.
Enj0y the fun and I want to say Install Padman but after a few games 0f Smokin’ Guns I n0w say
Install Smokin’ Guns
RPG vs Sniper l0ng range – wh0 w0uld win :P