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DPI makes a big difference

DPI makes a big difference in games.
Not for normal work but gaming it is much better to have a bit more…:)
Will be smoother and when you zoom in to distant targets you will notice the difference.
Its a personal thing though and I have mine set all the time on 1000DPI.
The speed in getting on target is faster with more DPI.
But thats the same as mouse sensitivity in game.
Its something most people get wrong in game though.
To set your sensitivity do a 360 deg turn. If you have to move the mouse 2-3 times then you have it about right but any less than that and its too sensitive and you spray shots everywhere.

I too dont use any scripts.
I have the buttons configured to weapons or tools.
So I push the back button and I get the deploy tool, I hit the wheel right button I go back to AR/Lac.
Left wheel button pulls the pistol/blaster and so on.
Helps when I am busy running that i dont have to find more fingers for number keys.

Can config them for flares when in a vehicle too.

Logitech fit real nice in my hand except this G9, thats a bit odd in shape and feel.


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