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I would love to see Ares

I would love to see Ares back… think he would like too and being involved in a community gives him a chance to express himself more positively. I was thinking of proposing that he start a blog/diary kind of thing for this purpose but wasn’t sure how u fellas would take it (or Ares for that matter).

Fuzz is on the money re recruitment… got to have a trial period and more of a in game presence to make it work. Not sure about this but most of the new fkq recruits seem to be younger chaps (15ish) and seem to be known to Thompson before applying. This is something Ares could probably help with if he comes back.

Would support Fraggle she is cool and have known her in game for a fair while though haven’t chatted much. as for the other Mofo guys… to be honest some of them sheet me!!

Having said that recruitment of extras will change ipx a lot. Can’t really say its a hockey team if most of the members are online gamers specific to et. Will it just be a social et pub clan with the occasional scrim or are us thinking of entering ladder comps? What happens when et:qw comes out, and as the et community continues to fade? Are u looking for extra hockey players and geocachers?

Managing an online community will be a full time hobby (fuzz imagine u are feeling this with the development of this site). Someone will have to lead this or it probably wont work; they pretty much have to have a constant and consistent presence. Everyone participates but someone would have to put their hand up to make sure stuff gets done.

anyway just putting that out there


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