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ltmon's picture

Hi Y'all

Sorry I haven’t been around much, especially on ET…. busy, busy, busy with an ultra-top-secret project in the works. Actually it’s been mainly work, house-renovation and wedding-preparation related.

I’ll give my address to whomever I see on MSN or whatever next.

RE recruitment: Simply the best way to play ET is in a proper match like those we had going with FKQ. I really think we should keep recruiting in order to keep those matches going – enough members to put up a team of 8 once a month would be about ideal. Of course having people on board that we don’t like, and don’t gel with the fairly casual attitude around here would be counter-productive — so this might be a slow process.

About the hockey/gaming dimorphism (is that a word? my spell checker says “yes”!) it’s really up to you founding guys whether that’s a problem. I think by keeping yourself with “honorary” and “real” members you still maintain your identity on the ice and have a viable gaming group at the same time.




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