As MaD showed up 1 by 1 we all awaited the arrival of Tippa & Fuzz_Logic, with n0 F_L in sight 0ur attenti0n turned t0 Tippa wh0 was being c0ached al0ng by Robag 0n h0w t0 apply the new map.
With much waiting the game c0mmenced with0ut Tippa and F_L and thr0ugh 0ut the night we all c0uld see Tippa trying in vain as his name appeared 0n 0ur screens as 0nline. The first match had begun and all were w0ndering if we were Live and in typical IPX Server fashi0n we restarted the Map, I swear HP has that as a bind :)
Mad 0ne the first game and IPX followed with sum wins 0f 0ur 0wn.
The agreed scores by the end was
MaD – 875 Wins IPX – 876 Wins
A tie maker was called but we all ran 0nt0 a b00ked GA server.. FORTHERECORD: The GA server was lag x10 compared to the IPX Server…
Cheers t0 all wh0 attended
As MaD showed up 1 by 1 we all awaited the arrival of Tippa & Fuzz_Logic, with n0 F_L in sight 0ur attenti0n turned t0 Tippa wh0 was being c0ached al0ng by Robag 0n h0w t0 apply the new map.
With much waiting the game c0mmenced with0ut Tippa and F_L and thr0ugh 0ut the night we all c0uld see Tippa trying in vain as his name appeared 0n 0ur screens as 0nline. The first match had begun and all were w0ndering if we were Live and in typical IPX Server fashi0n we restarted the Map, I swear HP has that as a bind :)
Mad 0ne the first game and IPX followed with sum wins 0f 0ur 0wn.
The agreed scores by the end was
MaD – 875 Wins
IPX – 876 Wins
A tie maker was called but we all ran 0nt0 a b00ked GA server..
FOR THE RECORD: The GA server was lag x10 compared to the IPX Server…
Cheers t0 all……
L00k f0rward t0 0ur rematch MaD :)