And the Winner is;
Team IPX
Yes we all won and had fun, but the Winner goes to
After a long fought out fight over 4 maps the clear winner is Ltmon A close Second is Hashy A close Third is Chipper
Thanx to Hashy for your Support, c0 Captaincy and Quick Decisions, couldn’t have done it without ya br0
Special thanx to Robag for hosting Skype throughout the World Of Padman IPX Tournament (WOPIT)
and to all of IPX who Showed up and had Fun, Cheers guys…..
This Tournament is nothing if we don’t have fun together and there were many laughs along the way…..
Finally on behalf of Hashy, Myself and Team IPX we wish to present Ltmon with the LIMITEDEDITION Team IPX Jumper
Chewy has been flown in by chopper for the handing over and we trust Ltmon will wear it with pride.
Look forward to catching up with ya soon Lt……
And on a final note Wolf ET IPX Tournament (WETIT) will be announced shortly by
Hashy and n0mad complete with a new prize, so stay tuned….
Screenshots of the Final
Ltmon falling from the Heavens with his sniper(Splashy) weapon
Winner of WOPIT
And the Winner is;
Team IPX
Yes we all won and had fun, but the Winner goes to
After a long fought out fight over 4 maps the clear winner is Ltmon
A close Second is Hashy
A close Third is Chipper
Thanx to Hashy for your Support, c0 Captaincy and Quick Decisions, couldn’t have done it without ya br0
Special thanx to Robag for hosting Skype throughout the World Of Padman IPX Tournament (WOPIT)
and to all of IPX who Showed up and had Fun, Cheers guys…..
This Tournament is nothing if we don’t have fun together and there were many laughs along the way…..
Finally on behalf of Hashy, Myself and Team IPX we wish to present Ltmon with the
Chewy has been flown in by chopper for the handing over and we trust Ltmon will wear it with pride.
Look forward to catching up with ya soon Lt……
And on a final note Wolf ET IPX Tournament (WETIT) will be announced shortly by
Hashy and n0mad complete with a new prize, so stay tuned….
Screenshots of the Final
Ltmon falling from the Heavens with his sniper(Splashy) weapon
Ltmon sidesteps Hashy’s Betty fire
Final Standings