Always good to hear the kiwi accent bossing us around again :)
Kraizen has put some good thought into strats (and even written it down), so make sure you get his work off of him to think about before the match.
Repeating my call: Can we get online an hour early if possible tomorrow to go through the game plan, ADA probably aren’t the walkover they were last year either ;) I heard they’ve even been practicing and scrimming (borderline cheating IMO).
Thanks Blood!
Always good to hear the kiwi accent bossing us around again :)
Kraizen has put some good thought into strats (and even written it down), so make sure you get his work off of him to think about before the match.
Repeating my call: Can we get online an hour early if possible tomorrow to go through the game plan, ADA probably aren’t the walkover they were last year either ;) I heard they’ve even been practicing and scrimming (borderline cheating IMO).