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Thought I would give the forums a bash...

So here is a couple of selections from me. Seems like a very wide range of selection from all of you.

Trent Reznor
This is Trent Reznor (aka Nine Inch Nails) new group with his wife doing vocals

slow style
Some thing for the slow style
Some thing for the WTF factor
And some thing for just a laugh

Oh and on a side note… BB code??? Tried using it, but seems the normal code I would use for formatting this didnt want to work. I checked the “More information about formatting options” section but I cant find any thing about http linking except that its says its done automatically?


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  • Insert Flickr images: [flickr-photo:id=230452326,size=s] or [flickr-photoset:id=72157594262419167,size=m].
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
  • You may use [view:name=display=args] tags to display views.
  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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