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PS3 Dem0

Was very much looking forward to this before demo release dates. After playing the demo on PS3, it just didn’t grab me very well I’m afraid, have not played it since. But I do think that the hurried delay that set back the PC&PS3 demo release dates, played a bit of a part in that PS3 demo not being as successful as it could have been. Was just lacking a few things, and looking forward to any demo, knowing it will be limited, is just hard for me to do too ;p

But I will actually get this for the console eventually, I think that it will be alright once I get into it, and aren’t limited by crappy demo planes and campaign.
The lack of good new combat flight simulators/games just sucks. I don’t even think Janes exist anymore! =’(

I wont give it a Hash Brick rating yet, until I give the demo another go. ;p


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