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chipper's picture

Thanks for showing guys

Was a fun night and it was great to see up to 10 of us there. I think that was the biggest IPX showing in sometime.

To those that hadn’t played before special thanks as its always an effort to get the game working and to familiarise yourself with it first time out. Also a big thank you to our NZ guys for staying up late; will see if we can make these nights earlier in the future.

On the games themselves, I had a ball! There were some great moments watching the coverts getting all confused about who was in who’s uniform and who was on what side! I think at some stages there was more tking going on the axis vs allies!! Might have to enable hit sounds next time to help the new guys with that. Other hilarities included players killing themselves on their own teams land mines (no MM its not like etqw!) and players not realising when warm-up was over and tking their team in the first few rounds of a game (not mentioning any names here… cough, cough, n0mad, cough :)).

As for the next et game, how do we feel about challenging ADA to a match?


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