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Asus GTX280 OC Top

Asus GTX280 OC Top edition
65nm, 240 pixel shaders, 1024 MB DDR3, 512 bit bus, GPU Clock 625Mhz Memory 1140Mhz(x2) Shaders 1350Mhz.
156GB/s Bandwidth

The core itself hovers at around 88 at full load, but its the VDCC’s that are the worry. The stock cooling has trouble with them. I understand it has something to do with lack of heatspreader contact on the regulators.

If you don’t have GPU-Z grab it from and have a quick look in the sensor section.

From my understanding the VDCC’s are voltage regulators, and my card sucks a LOT of juice as I have no CPU bottlenecking problems with rendering.

This is only evident in a GPU only application such as F@H, I have really fast throughput for that. Games however don’t really tax it.

Overall, fully satisfied with my current system, brilliant performance at just about everything. That triple channel ram is a bonus as it is pretty much synced with my video card’s DDR3. The biggest problem i’ve had so far is with having technology that is too new. Teething problems etc. And heat. OMG there is a lot of heat to contend with.

i7 topology FTW

But yeah, if you are having the same VDCC temps I’d like to know how long you’ve been torture testing your gpu ;) hehe


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