Promotions - May 2012

This IPX bulletin is to inform the Team that the following Honorary Members have been promoted to the status of “Member” by the BoD for services performed for Team IPX:

  • Spudinator
  • silentshadow
  • president_kippa121

Congratulations all. Keep up the good work.

Team IPX


Microman's picture


Shot guys :-)

Thanks guys

And congrats to the others too

Fuzz's picture

white jersey looks

Good on u delta. Congrats all, well deserved.

i look


Robag's picture

Congrats Guys

with the white Jersey come great Responsibility



And with great power, comes great responsibility… I FEEL THE P… No thats not power I feel, I think Deadite is trying to molest me again.

congrats guys

On another note. did anyone else notic that if you turned spuds 8 90 degrees it would look like 2 stools?

Sha8doW's picture

I like robagz comment

Congratz guys


wtf matt?


I think I had my share of celebratory drinks last night :P. Shame Robag wasnt around to enjoy my drunkenness lol. Pretty worse for ware this morning though. Think this is going to be an all day recovery and I still have to cook and host Mother Days today…

Good onya K-nob

Thats gotta be the most unflattering picy ever taken of the mighty tata !!!
Looks like I have a dent in my head n all !!!

Sha8doW's picture


Spuddy you alway make me laugh so hard my friend!

I must say! I love them crisp white shirts!

willow's picture


Niceeee ..

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